Adaptive Learning

GCS offers a unique and adaptive education designed for low student-to-teacher classrooms and personalized delivery methods for each student. Our approach combines the best qualities of traditional and blended education, creating flexible learning environments with improved engagement and increased student interaction.

GCS is an elementary school for students from kindergarten through 12th grades. Our policy of small groups of 8 to 10 students for elementary school grades, and 16 students in kindergarten grades increases engagement within a classroom and teachers focus on individualized attention that helps students to have different self-paced learning.

Smalls group instruction empowers students to develop critical thinking, communication and freely problem solving. Our approach provides innovative models where in person learning makes the best use of modern educational technology and tools.

Our students have the flexibility to switch between instructional models when necessary. GCS offers face to face, blended and or a mixed of two-day or more rotation blended learning model, in which students are required to attend school on two days each week, depending on their grade level, for in-person education.

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